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Re: hemorrhoids
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Re: hemorrhoids

Hemorroids have three causes. Lymphatics, vascular or poor muscle tone. Nowdays with peoples sedentary life style it's usually loss of muscle tone in the floor of the abdomon. That's why walking is so important. Walking tightens up the muscles that make up the floor of the abdomon. Prevents hemorroids.

Vascular is the arteries and veins of that area. Lymphatics is the lymph system in that area. All three respond very favorably to the cleansing regimes in the "Basics" program. Colon cleansing, liver decongestion and antiparasite program.

But in the meantime the only affective treatment I know is the ole slantboard and walking.

A slantboard is easy to do. Get a board wide enough to lay on and put one end up on the bed and the other on the floor. Lay on your back, stretch out real good, arms above your head, and while in that position suck in your tummy. Try to suck in the backside too, like you have to go but have to hold it. Hold for a good 10 seconds and release. Then take your hands and draw up on your tummy. Start just above the pubic bone with a gentle but firm pull, and pull up to the bottom of your ribcage. Do that three times. Then stretch out, hands over your head, suck your tummy in like you have to go and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with the hands drawing up from the pubis to the ribcage. Do this regime three times every hour throughout the day. Then walk, walk, walk.... Mocossins or a hard heeled shoe.

If it's lymphatics you'll have to do some work on the liver. Yep, flush time. Of course you can't do that until you've done the antiparasite stuff.

Constipation and a hard stool tends to tear apart the rectum to. Which causes the bleeding.

Of course good dietary habits are necessary to cover all of it. Distilled water and the oils, tablespoon of olive and teaspoon of flaxseed everyday. If they've had antibiotic therapy some good proboptics are necessary.

Locally there are some good supositories and salves that can be used. Try to get some aloe based salve. And a good colonic irrigation would probably do wonders.

Thats about all I know about it. But walking goes a long, long way to prevent hemorroids. Hard heeled shoes or mocossins stimulate the musculature on the floor of the abdomon so that's the way to go.

Doc Sutter



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