Re: RO versus distilled?
RO is second only to distilled. For the whole house application RO is the way to go. But for drinking purposes go with distilled.
RO is great at getting rid of all the toxins and addatives they put in the water but it can't get rid of the minerals.
Ask your husband if he's ever replaced a hot water heater. Those minerals that are formed inside the water heater are what you DON'T want to drink. When you put a hot water heater in its light when it comes out 10 years later its heavy. Those are the minerals you don't want to be drinking. They collect in your arteries and joints. Heart disease and arthritis anyone???
Anyway, I recommend RO for whole house application. Distilled for drinking. Its not that expensicve. You can get a good water distiller for a little over a hundred bucks. And they last forever. I use a "Waterwise" distiller. I scrub it out a bit after every use with one of those green scrub pads. Everytime I do I can see what I would have drank. No thank you.
RO is good at getting rid of all the poisons and debris in the water but it can't get rid of the minerals which are what clogs your arteries and joints up.
Doc Sutter