another thought~~
The news today featured a recall by Kmart
of lots of jewelry they had specifically
labeled and were selling as lead-free.
Of course, they had to pull it because it
was saturated with lead~! from China~!
China of course has enough people that they
work those they can to death which is a lot
of them, and the products they send over
here, which is A LOT of them, are seemingly
also designed to kill off or make a lot of
us ill.
I doubt they will do the huge genocides
like in the past as they did find it
difficult to dispose of the dead bodies.
I posted an article some time back which
described a *better plan* they claimed
which would make the walking "dead"
bury the dead. I think the vaccinating
and sterilizing and damaging of DNA through
the food chain and crops etc. will accomplish
what they want although it may take longer
than they would prefer.
My hope lies either in an agenda which comes
out of the blue that has not been anticipated,
or, cosmic justice in the way of a asteroid
nicking us or something which has Bush
quivering in a hole somewhere. I do not mind
dying, I mind being killed~!
be happy, be well,