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Re: To ThrZHope: re Celiac's & Gluten Antibody Test

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ThrzHope Views: 3,285
Published: 18 y
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Re: To ThrZHope: re Celiac's & Gluten Antibody Test

No, I took them thru my Nurse Practitioner and she pulled the comprehensive full panel ASI which also included the test for gluten antibodies. The funny thing was she ignored that part and zoned in only on the flatlined cortisol. She put me on 20 mg of cortef a day along with B complex, 2x's a day, and herbs to support the adrenals.  My blood pressure went up and she got worried so she took my cortef down to 10mg per day and after a few more tests where things didn't make sense, like my vit d deficiency and other deficiencies despite my "healthy diet", she decided to send me to the best endocrinologist she knew, who was a scientist before becoming a naturepath doctor.

So I went to see her, and had all my tests sent to her for additional review and feedback by her. When the tests were all faxed over to the naturepath, she focused right in on the gluten antibody portion of the test results and explained that they often test for that when cortisol is that low because for them to get that low something has been taxing my body for years...and  My antibodies were very high as over 15 was positive and I was at 47, ..which was she said was good evidence that I needed to change my diet right away as it explained all the inflammation I was experiencing from my autoimmune reaction to Gluten.   She also put me on cardiotone an herbal mix for my highblood pressure which helped and she increased my cortef (hydrocortisone) to 20mg a day again...which felt much better, she said she would keep me on it about 6 mos and then cycle me off as I improved. The diet was critical to my ability to make improvements...

(you had mentioned skin ailments and depression, both of those can strongly be symptoms of celiac...toxin load in your body gets way high as you might imagine when you have such a response to your foods....they become toxins to you.

I had horrible itchy hives for 4 months which doctors md's and endo's and dermatologists couldn't figure out... and some breakouts from foods which made no skin is very clear now afer being on this diet and inflmmation is gone!!!!!.  Also, on the sleep apnea, was wondering if you have ever been exposed to parasites such as from Mexico etc? I had a freind with that that got well taking digestive enzymes, (so you may want to add those in to your regeme and hydrocloric acid hcl) this was after doctors wanted to put her on a night time breather and couldn't find the issue. She had been down in mexico just prior to developing this also could be from lack of certain nutrients from the celiacs...when the gut is in disrepair it's easily comprimised by parasites...keep taking the GSE etc...while doing the gf will heal right up, also be careful of any drugs that contain gluten...I had to change my cortef for that reason & ib profen etc.  I'm also on thyroid etc I take a naturally compounded one t3/t4, also agree about the saliva vs blood tests. All my accurate tests were in my saliva, and my Naturpathdoctor is very picky about where she gets the labs done). My symptoms came the strongest after a car accident & some other stressful events....usually you can trace back to something that was stressful that you didn't correlate it to at the time, but it was the last straw and then you get the adrenal crash which makes everything 1000 times worse...yes we have alot in common. It may make you feel better to know I never did party hard...and yet this still this happened to me...always been very health conscious, it's all about genetics and stress...)

So I listened  to the doctor about the diet and I did change it although I still wasn't all convinced, and found it to be hard to believe. It was hard at times because Gluten is in everything easy to eat, so I had to plan my snacks at work to be healthy....but at 6 weeks doing the diet faithfully, I hit a turning point for the positive, which was my gut stopped perpetually aching.  My lower back stopped aching and after 2 more weeks I tested myself on some goat cheese and I was able to tolerate it ok. I tested myself on some decaf coffee, watered down a bit and I was ok. I wouldnt drink it all day, but now on occasion I am healed enough to enjoy some with out hives or aches...I am confident that once my gut is all healed, I will be able to eat normal with exception of all Gluten containing products. ..also, I don't miss any of those foods now...and I love what i can eat especially corn mexican foods, potatoes, and what's in season like squash, and chantrelle mushrooms with garlic and olive oil...etc..(which is my new butter)

Gluten is a difficult to digest and breakdown protien found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and oats, spelt, kamut,.  It is in virtually all packaged foods, and meats.  You will have to start  cooking your food from scratch, without flour etc but it''s great to feel good and know what you are putting into yourself.   Cooking is easy when you use simple foods such as meats you like, such as lamb or fish, salmon, porkchops, steak, chicken, muscles, oysters etc, ...everything is ok that is natural and free range. Avoid deli meats. Avoid processed meats and sausages or bacons, as they often have gluten added in.  Look for the Gluten free symbol on Bob's Redmill products if  you need alternative grains.  You may be able to eat quinoa or amaranth.  Those cook up easy and you can have salsa with them. you can have rice. You just need to cook it at home from it's natural state, not a preseasoned package as all the preseasoned stuff mostly contain gluten, watch out for spices too. Emerill's chicken Rub is ok, & mrs dash.  Vege's are fine and salads...Lara bars are good too.
Check out Trader Joes, they have a gluten free shopping list. You can eat mexican food, but read the labels on anything you don't make from scratch yourself.  avoid modified food starch, added flavorings, dextrose or malts.  (watch out for katchup and malt vinegar & soy ), watch out for cross contamination if you eat frenchfries out they usually use the same oil to fry the breaded foods, avoid those, also avoid meats that are marinated in spices or soy that has gluten in it.) It's everywhere...but you can manage to avoid it with attention to it and good planning.

Doing all this will allow your gut to heal.  Get on a good quality probiotic while you do this that has billionth strength of bifidus.  Drink water and get sleep.  You may need some hormone support too.  Check with your naturpath doctor to see if you do. If you don't have one, find a good one that will help you with this.  When cortisol is flatlined, often you will have hormone deficiency's and the lack of nutrition has effected not just your gut, but your bodies ability to message and control hormones and cellular activities in an optimum way. So get the right support to help you get well and be patient.  They say it takes 6 weeks to start seeing the benefits of the diet, but it takes 6mos to 2 years to heal your gut and be well again.  So Stick with it.  It's worth it from all I've talked to and from what I am seeing in myself.

Glad you are reading the websites.  They are very helpful. By the way you can eat fruit all you want, fresh watch out for canned stuff......coconut bliss ice cream is wonderful althernative coconut milk icecream, and it's gluten free and dairy & soy free...and comes in great flavors, sweetened with agave...and great with fresh warm carmelized pears & sauce...I don't miss the gluten!!!!

Hope you are on  your way to wellness....


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