Seriouskiller, Please help.
Hello seriouskiller, and anyone else who is reading this,
My mother has
Breast Cancer (Stage 3) and recently had a radical mastectomy and had 1/2 of her lymph nodes removed.
We are now in the stage where we will begin to speak with an oncologist.
My mother and I are somewhat familiar with the natural healing world, and have also heard bad things about chemo... We are about to make the decision whether or not to take chemo.
I have been searching all over the place for a good article about how chemo is bad, and have yet to find one. If any of you have a site like that (with statistical proof and other info), I would really appreciate it.
I hope this doesnt sound like I am questioning any of you. Its just that when you are going to make a huge life and death situation, it is hard to reject what the majority of people in the world are doing, and are having moderate success with it.