parasite tell me Humaworm or anyone who can help
Well i posted a couple days ago (in another forum-candida)stating that i needed help to rid myself of this candida problem I'm having. I've decided to order HUMAWORM and do that for teh 30 days since i've read that often when one is infected with candida, parasites are also a problem, plus on teh website, they say that it also helps with candida.
My question is eventually I'd like to clean out MY WHOLE SYSTEM. Being that I'm very new to this all, I'd like to do a Colon Cleanse , liver cleanse, and gallbladder cleanse, but I definitely need to look up more info on that later.
My question is what should I be doing first, I know from reading a couple post, it is generally recommend to do these things in steps in a certain order.
In trying to get rid of parasites/candida I'll be taking humaworm, and also grapefruit seed extract. Does anyone know if humaworm is safe to take for people who have had vein problems- I've had a couple superficial/vericose veins burst recently and just want to be sure
But what i really would like to know is about this eye problem I've been having. About maybe 2 months ago I noticed floaters in my eyes, I usually dont seem them unless I'm looking at the bright sky of a white wall or something like that. A little while ago I started noticing that at the bottom of my eye, sometimes and not too often (maybe once or week) there'll be a small circular spot that flashes a bright light, and this will be accompanied with the twitches in my eye- it's happening right now as i type it and although it's not painful or anyhting it is annoying. My scalp & body has been soo itchy lately. Also for teh past 2 weeks I've been having these headaches which aren't really headaches but it just feels like pressure up there.
*Edit* Also for the last couple days I've had this bloated feeling on my right side near my pelvis- its not painful but it is uncomfortable and i seem to only feel it in the morning while walking I'm only 22 years old...too young to be having these health issues