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Re: I wish you all the best
  Views: 4,971
Published: 18 y
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Re: I wish you all the best

"I would like to think that these threads with your involvement in them would end at some point, but then we both know, you thrive on them."

Well, then what's stopping you from thinking that ? Feel free to think as you wish.

You just don't like VWT forum, because you came in and called me a fearmonger, and after two previous disruptions and personal attacks, I finally blocked you from further posting. As most appreciate, we don't tolerate childish namecalling from half-century old men.

You are free to congregate with the other unhappy ones and discuss my personality and style. It is different, and I am proud of who I am. If you don't like that, then take it up with god.

The success of the VWT forum and all the people's lives who have been saved and enriched by it speaks for itself, regardless of what you or any others might say or think.

So, cut down V all day long, it means NOTHING.



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