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Re: ppm w/Silver Puppy? Yellow silver?
chazepping Views: 2,245
Published: 18 y
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Re: ppm w/Silver Puppy? Yellow silver?


I can´t say about the Silvergen- I´ve never used one. But I can tell you about my Silver Puppy.
First of all, as well as an automatic mode, which will turn it off once it reaches approx. 20 ppm, it has a manual mode that lets you decide when you want to turn it off. Personally, I need so much of it for my friends (both the 2-legged and 4-legged variety) and family, that I leave it on manual mode and DC (instead of SWAP-the other option) to make quite a strong batch that I then dilute with more distilled water.
It has provided me with consistently top-quality CS for over a year now, and I don´t know of an easier way to stay head cold, sore throat, sinusitus, or flu-free. When I first ordered it I also bought a COM-100 meter to get an idea of how many parts per million my batches were, as well as a CS gel kit, which makes wonderful stuff for kitchen burns, mosquito bites, etc.
Finally, Ken, the guy who sells them, is 100% reliable and gets back to you if you have any questions or concerns. He really knows his stuff!

I hope this information helps,




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