i am about to give up. i have been to every doctor, naturopath, homeopath, etc. i have hashimoto's thyroiditis, low body temperature, all the symptoms of low thyroid, epstein barr antigens, possible chronic fatigue. you name it! i am wondering how long i can do this for. i have been on armour, synthroid, cytomel. i have such severe anxiety and can't research anymore- it's driving me crazy. i am newly married and my marriage is going to fall apart if this doesn't get better. my job is suffering. i wonder if i have wilson's temp. syndrome, lyme disease, etc. i have mitral valve prolapse but the docs always tell me that means nothing. i don't mean to complain; i guess i am just hoping that someone will say something that will lead me in the right direction. i have tried everything, and i can't live like this- i'm 26 years old.