O.K. I decided to catch some parasites off guard,so I feeled 3 jellcaps with OIL of Org. and 2 jellcaps with TEA TREE OIL and wash it down with some Pomeagranit juice for breakfest.It was a powerful dose after 30 minutes.I went to work and Im Repainting the new dreamhome my mother bought.Im HOOKING HER UP on the PAINTS and DESIGNS,Im really Good after 25yrs of doing it,plus,she's been a servent all her life,and deserves the best.ANYWAY,a couple hours up and down the ladder,and expelled a bowl ful of liver fluke/skins.They were singing,He droped the BOMB ON ME,BABY,HE DROPED THE BOMB ON ME!!! THIS WAS POWERFUL STUFF,AND DO NOT RECOMEND THAT ANYONE TRY THIS UNLESS YOU ARE VERRY EXPERIENCED.JUST SHARING A EXPERIMENT REALLY!!!BLESSINGS STEVEN