that's terrible, i had mine in for 2yrs. 2 awful yrs. when i had it put in my baby was just 6 wks. old, and i was breastfeeding. i suffered from severe depression, extremely bad mood swings, very angry a lot, always felt like i was pregnant, i retained water bad, my boobs were always sore and swollen, i broke out over my body, it caused a freckle on my arm to swell and get very hard so i had to get a biopsy, always felt sick to my stomach, loss of hair, couldn't lose weight(i've always been a small person), extremely bad dizzy spells and more. i had it taken out in april of this yr. i feel so much better, but i'm not comepletely better. it's getting there though. i hope things get better for you, you should tell your doctor about all of us, having these problems from the iud. you're not alone. good luck hun.