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Consequences of Polygamy
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Published: 18 y
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Consequences of Polygamy

In those breakaway Mormon communities that practice polygamy a problem arises, a surplus of teenage boys. The surplus boys will soon grow up without any hope of finding a wife. The logical solution: Make up an excuse to get rid of them, then dump them at the edge of town, which is exactly what happens. Many of these boys end up on the streets of Las Vegas. Now what do you think happens to a kid on the streets of Las Vegas with no family, money, and no education (because they aren't allowed to finish school?) You won't find out on ABC news, which spent several hours of airtime this season on a polygamous Mormon community but conveniently missed this fact of polygamy.

I have seen only one, short magazine article on this subject. None of the major newspapers or television stations in the USA will touch it. It can only be discussed on the Internet. Here is one example:

If you think polygamy is a good idea or practice it, you are sick.


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