Please help me heal!! Request for healing
I am hoping you can help me. I have been suffereing with severe eczema now for 10 years and have reached the end of my tether. 2 years ago I gave up on the NHS and now use alternate treatments, trying everything but my Homeopath is the key lady who supports me in this. I have regular MLD and
colonics and am about to start reiki this week. I have been signed off work for the last 3 weeks with severe eczema all over my face and hands (rest of my body which I can cover looks great - sods law huh!)I'm having real problems sleeping and wake in the night scratching. My skin is ruling my life at the minute and is in a cycle where I always return to crisis point with the rashes. My face, hands and arms are cracked, weeping, dry, flaky, red, crusted, open cuts, itchy and irritated.I also suffer with
food allergies , dairy very severe, I blister when I touch milk.
I am having the mercury fillings removed from my mouth on Friday and hope this may be the answer as my allergies started the year I had 5 fillings fitted. i know this is going to be quite a big process and I am workin as hard as I can to detox.
Please can you send some healing to help me through this process, speed recovery and heal my skin in any way you can, any help is greatly appreciated.
My name is Kate and I live in London if this helps. If you'd like to picture me I am very red and raw looking.
Thank you