You didn't answer about the dandilions, and I thought you were a herbalist
My guess is if I look up dandilion, fennel, and peppermint, I'd find out that I'd done pretty much the right thing. I'm very familiar with Dr. Christopher, been by his store in Orem, Ut, and enjoyed reading several of stories and books. I've got composition powder sitting in the cuboard, and I think that's his. I think he would have encouraged me to use my intuition, and I'm very disappointed you were so busy judging my efforts that you couldn't pick out the question and answer it. (about the dandelion, fennel, and peppermint)
I gues I didn't pick the right website. I met an old country herbalist down in Tennessee, Mr. Warner, he takes people on his mountain,lets us camp on his land, feeds us, protects us, and shares his knowledge and love of all the plants God has given us for our use. I haven't retained one tenth of what he taught me, probably even less, but I can still hear him saying: "You people got to keep your bowels clean". I was right up front,(someone had asked me to tape him while they took pictures of the plants) I was 'tooting' like crazy, and he kept looking at ME.
It took me two years to take his message to heart. I don't even buy his products (too expensive) but at least he knows his plants. He learned from his grandpa, and he loves his mountain.
I haven't read you pages, and I don't know if I ever will. I'm judging you, just as you judged me--too quickly. But following your example, I speak as boldly as you. I probably DIDN't come to the right place. Maybe I misunderstook, I thought MH stood for master herbalist. I could be totally off base, and you are usually a kind, gentle, loving person. You didn't come across that way. I'm sure Dr. Christopher was.
there isn't nothing wrong with being bold, but you might try a little kindness as well.
(must be that liver flush. I'm just getting more and more bold):-)