Re: Itching
I'd absolutely get a biopsy.
The longer you wait with LS, as I understand it, the worse the scarring can be...and once the damage is done, you either can't, or have a harder time fixing it.
I got morphea on my back, was reading on morphea and had a EUREKA moment, when the term lichen sclerosis came up with a list of symptoms.
Mine were tearing (think episiotomy) during sexual intercourse and itching around vuvla and anal areas.
Today is my first day of steroid creams, and in the 6 hours I have had them on, I have seen a color change from the white, the red part is still red, but the white part is now gone, surely that must be a good thing? Also I am itching like a son of a gun after applying it. I'm telling myself that is the ointment working...I hope it is.
I am scared to death! I actually feel quite sad and desolate...thinking I may lose my sex life. I will fight to keep it.
I wish you good luck...get to the doc and insist on a biopsy. My doc said she didn't see anything that even looked like LS...I insisted, and am glad I did. She said it is one of the earliest diagnoses she's had, which will be good in the long run for me being able to keep what I have. I'm sure hoping that's true.