Re: Indian Yogi
Thats the problem with knuckle heads like yourself. You honestly beleive that
Science only exist in the shallow halls of some university! Like somehow because you have a piece of paper connecting you to this place it is some how special!
Im sure you dont have a study proving anything about neutralizing or chelating mercury from these establishment mind neutering factories because there is no money in in such studies, but that doesnt mean they don't exist.
In fact there are studues on certain minerals that do show mercury can be neutralized and chelated in a safe manner and eliminate the need for this dangerous
Amalgam removal procedure!
What about the second part of my statement that these procedures have injured many? I didnt see you address that issue! I suppose they didnt teach you about that in your dumb down tabernacle!
Remember what you,ve been taught is niether definitive or omniscient there is still a great big world out there and you my friend are just a neophyte on this planet!