Personal opinion on MMS protocol
I think this protocol is best used for a short-term detox cleanse.
For parasitic/pathogenic issues:
Use for 2-3 weeks, off 2 weeks then back on 2 weeks, then move onto a regular herbal cleanse program.
For cancer I think the above would also be the best course, as parasite/pathogen is usually the cause, then follow up with another anti-cancer program, such as pH balancing,
Iodine therapy, essiac….
Also this protocol will do wonders for anyone with candida/fungal issues.
I think
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is a great starting point to getting well; I also believe it is safe enough for children.
Again, I think anyone who wants to get well needs to start here because in this day and age we are all toxic!!!
If you want to stay well there after then correct your diet, remove negativity and realize your connection to each and every life force on earth and beyond, and treat others the way you wish to be treated.