watch videos and wake up people!!!!WARNING NOT FOR SHALLOW MINDS.
actualy that is there religon enlining with the stars. vibrations of the planet ect.
worshping the stars.THERE GODS!!!!!!.the returning of there gods, homage ect ect.
the same with freemason and egypt pryamid, aztes and mayans, stonehedge, alantis.ect ect ect.
Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs, and Incas .there sacrificing was horrible.
this why the bible was against worshiping the stars and sacrificing.this is for high enicating and showing homage to there gods.
the asherth poles and baal poles/oblisk in the bible.was all about the same thing .enlinement with the stars and showing homage to there gods.
this a big topic,but people realy need to do some research, what the mayans where like and who they worshiped.
I also suggest people look at the new world / the Bilderberg how they want to (chip. everybody mark of the beast /chemtrails).and what families and groups are running the world.
WARNING.......not for people with shallow minds.
dont watch these videos if your not seaching for the truth!!!!!!!!!!
endgame watch this a realy realy good one
get informed
america freedom to fascism. i higly recomend to watch.