good info!!! to get inform of the times.
where have i been the last 3 path in life has lead me on a deep deep spirtual and health journey.I hate to use this term ,my minds eye has been open.and im still learning.
were late in time,people need to wake up.
heres some movies that are very very good,they will open you mind.if you heard of them?
zeitgeist this is online for free (i believe in the messiah)
terrorstorm by alex jones his webpage
end game alex jones both of his movies on google video
riddles in stone ,about masonary
america freedom to fascism by aaron russos
thats a small bit of good videos........
has alot of good info on religion.
rense. the radio program
alex jones radio program
power hour radio program
alex jones
ron paul: has the message
david ickes books
all the above i highly recommend you check out.
I suggest you also look in to vacasines and whats in them and also be aware of chemtrails for that program has been more then 30 years .increased in the last 8 and more and more each year!!!!!
If you want to get informed check some of the stuff sure you know,alot about that stuff,but maybe somebody on here doesnt.
so you didnt anwser my question here:
tomi444 whats your take on the names of the saviour and the father and bible translations?.why do you still use the pagan names ?any versions of the (word) bible you recommend are good.?
also what denomination you belong to?
Do you have any good sites or info to recomend.
if most christians would follow the bible and not preachers.we wouldnt have all these problems today.