Take a few moments folks and consider these things...
Places on the Internet like curezone.com where a mod can hide, delete, change, edit, content of members personal posts are ripe for Internet scams. Am I saying that was/is the VWT team's intent, no, all I'm saying is this:
1. Intuitively I feel there is something not right at the
Iodine Supplementation Forum
2. I have posts they've altered, removed and replaced my original content, and I know enough about computers, crashes, etc. to know that content does not get changed unless someone does it. A computer crash does not do that.
3. The mods do have access to changing, editing, hiding a members posts, which in the saved posts from the current debates one mod say no they can't and 2 of the outsider mods say, yes they can. Who's telling the truth? The VWT team or the other 2 outside moderators?
4. It's funny isn't it, how all of a sudden now the VWT team is blaming
Iodine on what and how I'm posting? Trapper himself, is very prideful that he's taken over 600 mgs. of
Iodine with no ill effect himself for several weeks in one post of his!
5. Would you give them your credit card info. or checking acct. info to purchase anything they may have for sale in the future say for example Wilson's Iodine?
Folks, this is just for your thoughtful contemplation as I said in my first posts on the subject. Who is fearful of some of that going around? You all have a little warning bell inside your head, or your gut, don't ignore it. I've learned to not ignore mine.
Curezone is a wonderful website, how sad it would be for it to be a victim also. It's helped so many, many people. I would like to see it continue, but in a more secure and safe manner for it's users/members. Feeling secure, and safe are one thing, making something as safe and secure as one can is another. Being safe and secure is up to each individual. Food for thought...that's all.
For Molly Bloom, I know you are one of their biggest fans, and it's nice you've 'known' them so well for so long! I am concerned about the altering of my posts content, and with the first one being altered just shows how easy it was to go back to that one to alter it..it was the first one I ever posted on curezone over 4 years ago. The changed content was done to make me look silly, ignorant, uneducated. Did you read it? I haven't gone thru other posts but some. Some are deleted, and simply gone, the title was left..for instance a one thread or post titled "Bad Post Trapper" is all that's left of a thread. It's confusing I know. But a computer glitch does not do stuff consistently like change content well after a crash. If you believe that without doing some of your own research and trust blindly, that's your decision..it's not mine.
In my opinion and my own words, but on this website..I can't trust to say 'as always'.