Re: Copper deficiency widespread, related to blood type
does anyone know the best way to supplement with copper??
Good question. One that I cannot say that I know.....wish I did, but I don't. About all I can say is that I do know what seems to make more sense in this instance. To me it seems to make more sense that the best way to supplement any mineral is by way of natural sources......through eating things that were once green and growing things..... like unfiltered, unpasteurized, unadulterated molasses. Just off the top of my head, I would guess that another good source might (operative word) be Chlorophyl and or certain other plant-based (a la juiceable) supplements might also be a good source for supplementing one's blood.
The question got me to thinking of another; what kind of people might be in a really good position to know? On the one hand, it stands to reason that the kind of people in a good position to not know are the kind who are routinely shunted to the side and left on their own, against great odds, to figure out ways to find answers by .... word of mouth.....scrimping, scratching together a precious but relative few thousand dollars to help fund the search for an answer. On the other hand, the kind of people who literally are given billions of dollars... the kind of people who routinely have this kind of money literally thrown at them.....dollars that in most cases, prior to being extorted from them were once in the pockets of of the very same kind of people pushed to the side, these are the kind of people who likely are in a great position to know such answers......all the more reason why it is so frustrating and demoralizing to find out these are also the same kind of people who make lavish careers out of covering up, burying, hiding from us public people on the sidelines the extent and depth of answers found out from those billions of dollars worth of "research".