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raw vegan woman... warrior diet or anti-estrogenic??
maui_butterfly Views: 4,351
Published: 18 y

raw vegan woman... warrior diet or anti-estrogenic??


I am a 37 year old woman, and in the past 5 months I have lost 35 pounds by first doing a master cleanse (lemonade fast) for 11 days, then consuming only raw foods (organic fruits & vegetables, nuts and seeds, olive and coconut oil, miso, apple cider vinegar... that's pretty much it). I really like this way of eating.

I recently started exercising with kettlebells, and love it! I am intrigued by the warrior diet style of eating (fasting during the day), and wonder if I can do my raw (or mostly raw) thing on this diet. And what is the difference between the warrior diet and the anti-estrogenic diet, and which one do you think is better for me? I want to stay vegan, or mostly vegan. Definitely no meat. I feel pretty "cleansed" in terms of liver/intestines at this stage...

My goal is to get stronger/fitter, feel better, be healthier, and lose about 20 more pounds (or go from my current size of 12 to an 8). I am 5'10" and weigh 165.


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