Oh Yeah, Have You Seen This?
Go here and watch this video of basketball players. Some are in white and some are in black passing two basket balls around. The goal is to count how many times the ball is passed by those wearing white shirts. After you watch the video scroll down. (The video is 6 megs, so it takes a little while to load.)
Ok, I don't really care how many times they passed the ball. I'm wondering, did you see anything else in the video besides basketball players, like a referee, Michael Jordan, a Naked Lady, a Gorilla, or nothing?
Truth is there was a gorilla that walked across the screen and thumped its chest in the middle of them tossing the ball. Go back and look.
This experiment has shown a few things.
1. That the body can easily make mistakes, like not seeing the obvious.
2. That the reality around you can be more elusive than you think.
3. Your mind can be controlled weather without you realizing it.
4. How easily your mind can be distracted.
5. It shows how your perception of reality can be subjective, or biased.