A possible model for an infinite creation
A possible model for infinity is that in an infinite multi-universe model, infinity stretches both up and down vertically from our universe. For this to work, the absolutely smallest indivisible particle in our universe’s quantum world, make up separate tiny infinitesimal tiny finite universes that are the bricks or building blocks of our much larger universe There could be an infinite number of these infinitesimal universes, going ever downwards creating smaller and smaller universes, to infinity.
Our universe could be likewise a tiny quantum building brick or block of a much larger universe ours .Not into one final mega universe because there is always a next level up. Therefore, it goes thus, our universe a smallest component to a next larger universe, that universe is likewise universe a component to a next larger universe and so on infinitely. Alternately, the same model moves infinitely down to next smaller and next smaller universal building blocks. Of course, this is only speculation and conjecture by my restless mind.