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Re: Confused about butter, don't laugh
pb3046 Views: 3,267
Published: 18 y
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Re: Confused about butter, don't laugh

You have answered your own question- if you react badly to it, don't eat it. For me, the butter factor is subject to quantity. If I use a ton of it, I react badly to it to. So I choose my battles, as to where I put my butter, so to speak. Lots of fried foods coat the cell with oil so that insulin cannot enter. If insulin cannot enter, the Sugar stays in the body and feeds the candida.

I also have another adage you might be interested in - don't eat anything that gives you gas! If it doesn't digest, it doesn't absorb, and it sets up a merry go round of gut problems.

So, in reality, you can make your own diet, at least for this time of your life. As you progress, you can make little trials of things you reacted to before. I have been on protein and low carb vegetables for a long time now, several years. Each time I try to add something "healthy" in for variety, I get different results. For example, I can have an occasional mango, but not pineapple. But if I try to have a lot of mangoes, I react.

Years ago I made great strides on a diet of meat and fruit. I can't do that now, butI am willing to see how this diet goes and change later if necessary or possible.


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