With Passion
- Do I want to suffer? Examine your feelings when thinking about suffering.
- Do others want to suffer?
- Do I wish anyone else to suffer?
- What is so special about me, that I protect myself and not others?
- Can I forgive my enemies for being imperfect humans, just like me?
- Compassion is the wish that others have no suffering.
- Do I really want my enemies not to suffer?
- Do I have the courage to help others in need?
- Do I have the courage to relieve the suffering of my enemies?
- Can I make others' wishes more important than my own?
" May I be a bridge and a ship for those who want to cross the water.
May I be an island for those who seek one, and a lamp for those desiring
May I be a bed for all who wish to rest, and a hand for those who need a