I totally agree with your statement on why scars never change. However, if we leave them unattended, of course they will remain a permanent part of our skin. This is why you have to use substances such as certain essential oils, natural oils, and butters that can penetrate the skin to the dermis and cause a change to the new cells forming which later causes the DNA to be reprogrammed. This is what happens to people who have successfully either removed or resurfaced scarring permanently. I have had success on myself as well as mixing remedies for friends. One example, I had a friend that had a burn scar from an iron. I mixed together a combination of aloe vera gel, vitamin E oil, and possibly shea butter (not sure) for her to use daily on the burn which was about a month old. Only 2 months later, the burn scar which was very dark and bumpy against her pale skin was completely healed and the skin looked just like the rest of her arm...it blew me away. At the same time, I have a scar from childhood that I've been working on for about 5 years now and it's just starting to completely blend into the rest of the skin. So, the newer the scar the better, but they can be removed or at least become extremely close to normal skin. It just takes a lot of patience and determination. My advice, use penetrating oils and butters that naturally have skin regeneration abilities and anything else that's been proven effective...Good luck to all!