had to lay off for a while
About 3 weeks ago I went thru horrible detox of bromide. I think I was doing 12 drops
Lugol's anyway my nose dripped continuously and my kidneys hurt so bad I thought they might shut down anywho It dawned on me that while I spent 12 glorious days in the hospital on the brink of death(rare pneumonia) they were blasting me every three hours with some disgusting nebulizer crap it would make me shake all over and feel like I was really going to die. I'd bet the farm it was heavy bromide ladden not to mention the
Antibiotics they main lined into me were the strongest available my friend who is an ex pharm rep(she has lots a scary tales to tell) said the stuff they gave me can make people go blind...yeah... she cried for me every day. The
Antibiotics did nothing for me anyway they had to use prednisone which I had to be on until just 6 weeks ago because I kept having relapses. I kept telling that damn Dr. I think it's mold exposure he keep saying BS...come to find out it was my daughter's mother's day out now they are in the process of investigating it. it is ripe with mold overgrowth. In JUly a public health official stopped me in the hallway and ask me if I had been ill since starting her in the program I was like uh yeah I almost died last Dec.
Anyway that day I took her out and have not had one single relapse and was finally able to get off that horrible medication. It has almost destroyed me. I think if I had not being doing the curezone I would be dead by now!!!
Anyway sorry to be so long winded
I was wondering if those meds were thick with Bromide???
and also if I should just cut wayback on
Iodine plus I am also doing
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement which is definately killing the fungus amoungus but is also an oxident