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Do not mix with Vitamin C.
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Do not mix with Vitamin C.

Vitamin C changes the composition of the iodine. You can prove this by mixing the two, and you will see the Iodine become clear. OJ has Vitamin C. You want to take the salt water protocol before the iodine, to help eliminate the bromine. You do want to take Vitamin C but not close to the time you take the iodine.

Here is the complete protocol:

About the Iodine Supplementation Protocol

Not Just For Breast Cancer Patients

Physicians Guy Abraham, MD, David Brownstein, MD, and Jorge Flechas, MD, have
treated more than 4,000 patients with Iodine supplementation. The protocol below
is suggested by their writings and lectures. We acknowledge with great
appreciation their pioneering research and generous contributions to the field of
Iodine Therapy. See references below the protocol.

* 24 Hour Iodine Loading Test Now Essential

The Iodine specialists have recently discovered it is essential to have the 24 Hour
Iodine Loading Test before implementing iodine supplementation in order to
investigate the presence of a possible iodine absorption defect. If a patient has a
normal or high Loading Test score in the presence of known iodine deficiency
condition such as breast or thyroid disease, a defect in the Sodium Iodide
Symporter (NIS) mechanism is suspected. The iodine taken during the loading test
may pass into the urine unabsorbed giving a false normal reading. Follow your
physician's iodine dosing carefully to see how the iodine test result changes.

* The doctors find that the most common side effects are usually resolved
with 3 grams of vitamin C and/or the salt loading protocol.

* Be aware of iodine-related bromide detox symptoms. Symptoms of
"bromism" may occur in some people. Click here for a list of recorded
bromide symptoms. Patients are usually advised to cut back on iodine and
salt load more frequently.

Important: The following protocol should be implemented only under your
doctor's supervision and monitored with the appropriate laboratory work and
thyroid studies. Report any side effects to your physician. Do not take iodine if you
are allergic to iodized salt.

Iodine Supplementation Protocol with Companion Nutrients

* 50 mg Iodoral minimum for Breast Cancer (may start with 12.5 mg).

Some practitioners may recommend another form of iodine such as Lugol's
solution. Iodoral is the Lugol's formula in tablet form especially designed to
avoid gastric irritation.

* Vitamin C - 3,000 mg per day (more may be necessary to detox bromide).

* 300-600 mg magnesium oxide or comparable magnesium supplement.

* 200 mcg selenium.

* 500 mg niacin twice a day. (NOT niacinamide) Start lower to avoid flush.

* 200 mg Vitamin B2 twice a day.

* A comprehensive vitamin and nutrition program.

Salt Loading Protocol for Possible Bromide Side Effects

Orthoiodosupplementation induced and increased mobilization of bromine from
storage sites, with increased urinary excretion of bromide. --Guy Abraham, MD

Certain iodine-literate doctors feel the bromide excreted by iodine therapy can
be eliminated more efficiently by the chloride present in mineral-rich Celtic
salt. The salt is added to water in a specific way. Eating salty food is not
effective. table salt is only used in an emergency.

Some members of the Amazon discussion group have found the Salt Loading
Protocol devised by Dr. William Shevin (and presented at the February '07 Iodine
Conference) to be effective in eliminating the side effects such as bromide
sedation, acne, brain fog, brassy taste, mouth sores, frontal headache or other
symptoms which occur in a small percentage of patients.

* 1/4 teaspoon* salt dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water. Follow immediately with
12-16 oz pure water.

* Repeat in 30-45 minutes if needed. May repeat again until copious urination

* Observe subjective response (usually within several hours).

*Iodine Investigation Project participants have found 1/2 teaspoon salt
dissolved in the recommended amount of water works faster than the 1/4
teaspoon dosage.

* Pulse dosing of iodine has often helped our participants with detox
symptoms: taking a two day break from iodine supplementation as needed
seems to enhance the kidneys' ability to excrete bromide. These our only our
observations as educated patients. Consult your own physician about your
particular iodine regimen.

No consensus exists on how important the salt loading may be to an iodine
therapy strategy if the patient does not have adverse symptoms.

Be sure to ask your doctor before implementing salt loading or any medical

I don't know if you know about the audios that are online. You can click on FAQs at the top of the page and read through the FAQs and get a ton of information. The links to the audios are in the links section, at the end of the FAQs.

I am sure some of the others will address your other questions. I personally take my iodine away from food, but not necessarily on an empty stomach. I take it when I think of it, in a small amount of water chased with a larger amount of water or herbal tea.


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