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Re: PLEASE HELP !! Severe EMF sensitivity
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Re: PLEASE HELP !! Severe EMF sensitivity

I have nerve root inflammation plus some nerve damage in my lower spine. I have become very sensitive to electromagnetic fields since the inflammation worsened. I keep orgone in my car, on the computer and television. I carry it in my purse and have it over my bed. It does seem to help. I discovered orgone when a Curezone friend in England sent me a package that contained a couple of small buttons. She also sent me a custom blend of Bach's flower essences and I was so interested in that, I put the orgone buttons down my bra to keep the dogs away from them. Within minutes I got hot, then cold, then very weak. I had to crawl to my bed and lie down. I no longer have that profound an effect when around orgone, but I know there is something to it. I have to drive by a large cell tower that is right by the road on my way to and from work. I used to get weak and trembly every time I got near it. Since putting a Holy Hand-grenade on the dashboard, I no longer have those problems.

I have a cheap prepaid Cell Phone that I keep in case of emergency. I keep it turned off all the time. I'm sure work would like to have 24/7 access to me, but they ain't gonna get it, so I don't feel guilty about not giving out my cell number.

I strongly suggest you use lecithin every day to help strengthen your nerves and nerve sheaths. I like the granules, that is what my doctor suggested. However some prefer the liquid. I have also used the gel-caps. They work well, but you really need to take a dozen or more a day. B-vitamins are great for neurological problems, keep taking them. Also amino acids can help strengthen the nerves.

When I was having a particularly bad case of inflammation, one where my spine started to swell and was pushing on the brain stem I told my doctor I felt like I needed to wear an aluminum foil hat when I sat at the computer, that I could feel its energy. He said that really was not a bad idea, that he had done it himself when he could feel energies coming at him. Believe it or not, for a couple of weeks, this nice middle-aged lady actually wore an aluminum foil hat at the computer...and it helped! To give you an idea of how bad it was, I was driving to the doctors and suddenly I became completely lost in a town of less than two thousand people where I had worked for years and been through thousands of times. I knew where I should be, but nothing looked familiar. Driving on to the doctor's clinic about eighteen miles away, the sky turned yellow and the leaves on the trees turned silver and started dancing. If I had not been afraid I was having a stroke, it would have been an interesting trip. (and I mean trip in more than one meaning)

Anything that upsets and inflames your nerves is serious. I think you are doing a lot of good things, but avoidance of all the EMF you can is necessary as you strengthen your nerves and your body. One more thing that might help is a drink sometimes used for the inflammation from arthritis. It calls for one tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of raw honey, and one or two drops of Lugol's solution. This helps my chronic pain and calms the nerves. It may help you too.


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