Re: Tired!
I can't remember when it kicked in for me, I was very cautious about the amount I first took..first 1 drop then 2 drops per day, until I hit about 6-8 drops per day in 1 dose which seemed good for me, that's about 36-48 mgs. but then I continued upward, but took somewhat of a big jump the last couple days. I'm up to 120 mgs. but only just very recently. I thought I'd try the higher dose. I split it into 2x a day, 10 drops in the morning and 10 drops around 3pm.
I take the liquid
Lugol's 5% solution of Iodine. I want to try the tablet form, especially as the dose increases. I might interchange the 2 types. Sometimes I paint various parts of my body too, and at least some of that
Iodine must get to my bloodstream.
Depending on detox for you, how toxic your body is, environmental influences, foods eaten, etc..fatigue could be a detox signal to let your body get some rest while it's renewing and cleaning house.