Re: Actually, ONLINE petitions can be quite useful
My, my, my - are we touchy today?
First of all, it was not Snopes, who is far from infallible, who posted their information here. It was you. And, more than just pass along their information, you used it to give advice and did so in response to MY post. Therefore it is you and your posts I am addressing, as is logical and appropriate.
Now, to the crux of it: You said do not sign the petition because of the information in your other post from Snopes. But that information is mainly valid for circulated email petitions, not online petitions where you in effect provide an online signature by providing verfiable name, address and phone information. Such information may not usually be counted as a legal petition to compel actions, but you better believe that members of congress pay attention to thier contituents who do so.