me too...sort of
I too have been on Iodoral and/or
Lugols (I mix it up) for about 2 weeks - usually 100-150mg per day. I haven't noticed too much... although the first few days I was full of energy but that coincided with my hubby coming home and doing a play so dunno if there's a connection. I just feel normal but did have some minor detox. There were headaches, and the last few days a metal taste in my mouth when I wake up. I keep doses high b/c the detox makes me feel like something is happening. But haven't really noticed anything else yet.
One thing you might want to do to gauge this: when I started, I painted a 2"spot on my inner arm with Lugol's. This is to see how
Iodine deficient you are: basically the faster it absorbs, the more deficient you are. If it absorbs within 12 hours, (i.e. the spot disappears), you are deficient. The first time, the spot disappeared after an hour and a half! I'd heard of people absorbing within 6 hours or so, so that is quick! I painted a spot this morning... it has been 4 1/2 hours and the spot is still there. So that is definitely a change in how "thirsty" my body is for iodine. I will keep doing this until my spot is up to 12+ hours, then probably taper off to 1 or 2 Iodoral daily. BTW, with regards to such few symptoms, I take Selenium and a ton of Vit C to help with detox.