Am I the only one??
Hi ladies.....I've been reading the postings here on the message board and I am so overwhelmed with the negative postings about the Mirena IUD.
I am 37 years old. I have a 10 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. I had the Mirena inserted back in April, 2004. I did have some slight cramping and spotting for the first 4 - 5 months. After that.....I've been fine. Yes, I do have mood swings, but that's to be expected from a "normal" women of 2 children and a wife. LOL I haven't developed any acne, body aches, abdomin pain or cramping or low sex drive. I do admit that my sex drive is not like it was when I was 25. LOL
I just went for my annual pap on Tuesday the 23rd and everything went well. Doc. could feel the string and said everything was in place.
Hubby and I have been togehter since I was 15. High school sweethearts. We've been married for 14 years and overall together for 21 years.
I am so sad to hear about all the problems women are having with the Mirena. The reason why I chose to have the Mirena inserted is because I was originally going for a tubal consult and quite honestly I felt as though I wasn't ready to totally cut off the posibility of ever getting pregnant again. I didn't want to go on the pill because the way I am I'd forget to take it, etc. Condoms, wouldn't be an answer either, I just know "in the moment" we'd forget, etc. LOL
As far as weight gain, I haven't really noticed any significant weight gain. When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter back in 7/1996 I weighed 130
lbs. I am currently 139. I do diet here and there to keep my weight no more than 140, but I haven't noticed any huge increase in my weight contributing from the Mirena.
I know I'm rambling........I just didn't know if there are any other women out there that haven't really experienced bad side effects like a lot of women are.