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I drink it
mamahuhu Views: 2,534
Published: 18 y
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I drink it

I've been drinking this for about 2 weeks now and I love it.

I've really noticed a feeling of well being on it. I have plenty of energy but I also take other things which help out with that, like Iodine.

I don't have chronic fatique or anything like that though. I thought it would be useful to take along with the Humaworm cleanse since I've read a lot here about the die-off effects. I've had die-off symptoms, but they aren't bothersome at all, so I think the tea helps with that.

I also am just very impressed with RG and his company which greatly influenced me to try it. I'm glad I did.

I feel sort of internally cleaner since taking it.

I'd recommend it. I plan to continue to drink it forever.



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