Awlright Pete!!. My first MC I was only gonna go 14 days and I was feeling so good I went 40!!. Changed my life I tell ya. It was the coolest thing I've ever done.
Besides doing some amazing things like getting rid of chronic shoulder and wrist pains that were threatening to put a stop to my passion for white water canoeing the mental aspects were by far the greatest benefits. From that point on I've considered 21 days the minimum for me.
In my reading here and there I have also found mentioned in several places that it takes 21 days to affects any real changes in the system and breaking of any habits. I'm due for a major clean up and will start another 40 dayer in the very near future which would make it my 7th 40 dayer.
On the last one at the begining of the year around day 30ish I got a job with a very short deadline and had to leave the house without my lemonade. Thought I could wing it with water for one day but I got really wonky and I just had to function. With much apprehension I picked up some fresh made veggie juice and I thought maybe I might get ill with the abrupt change after 30 days on a by the book MC but much to my delight I got a very cool boost of energy with a great sense of well being. So most likely this time around I will do no less that 21 days MC then transition over to veggie juice.
With the veggie juice the system will continue to cleanse albeit at a slower rate but the system will be getting infused with the mega nutrition form the veggie juice for the rebuilding faze after the clean up from the MC.