Many won't agree with you but I found you spot-on!
I forgave my SIL over and over again only to have her continually verbally rape me. She of course, did this when no one else was around but it eventually caught up with her. My husband caught her in the act and has not talked to her in 4 years. It's been wonderful but his father keeps pushing for him to forgive. Daddy believes that it's okay for his little girl to walk around being, bossy, pushy and rude. She talks negative of everyone but we are all to forgive her and be a happy family and put up with her nonsense. By the way, she is a very will respected Christian woman in her church. She professed for 7 months that God caused her to become pregnant with a son and told how wonderful she had been to recieve this son. She gave birth to a girl. When I got pregnant after much mocking from her on my age and my miscarriages she professed that God was giving her brother a son at 3 months of pregnancy. She told my husband that I would not give birth or carry to term until I allowed myself to get pregnant with a son. I got pregnant and we never told his family until our baby was 5 days old. During pregnancy another woman prophet said I would have a son on a walk I was on. The baby kicked, God whispered in my ear that it was a girl and I went home sat on the toilet and named her. I had an 8lb. 12oz girl.
Forgiveness is a delicate subject with me now and I even fasted 7 days on water only to forgive my ex-husband and it works.