18 y
Okay Beth, if that's your real name?
So, if your not hiding then put up your picture, last name and address? Or are you afraid to provide that info?
[Not everyone has fake names. Not everyone feels the need to 'hide' behind a "character".]
I think it would be hard to come up with a list of more than 10 who don't hide!
Everyone hides hear all but those who run bussinesses that connect with curezone in some way or form.
["There are too many forums on the topic it gets confusing and frustrating.", you have the choice not to go into those forums. If you feel the need to find information in them, go to the R(s) and
BSA ratings, then you can get what you need and get out."]
Again, this does not resolve the confusion, obviously we have choices, the problem is there may be too many of them.
By the way I take
Iodine too and know the importance of it!!! I simply can't take more than 150mcg per day. Because it causes my blood presure to get high, and it makes me feel hyper and jittery.
[When a person comes to CZ, it is to most often find alternatives to what has not been working for them. Even with their family and friends they cannot discuss some of these protocols because they are so far into what the medical society has to say that they are unable to see something that is not the 'norm'.]
On this last note, all I can say is, "I never would have thought of that, you are brilliant!"