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Re: I have said all I am going to say on this topic....
b2reflect Views: 541
Published: 18 y
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Re: I have said all I am going to say on this topic....

"Speedy, which is made up like everyone else here on these forums with fake names!"

Not everyone has fake names. Not everyone feels the need to 'hide' behind a "character". Everyone on here is behind a computer though, that much is correct. Yet there are many on here who come to learn, share and yes, even have 'nonsense' conversations. Although, that is sometimes needed.

When a person comes to CZ, it is to most often find alternatives to what has not been working for them. Even with their family and friends they cannot discuss some of these protocols because they are so far into what the medical society has to say that they are unable to see something that is not the 'norm'.

As many people have mentioned below concerning "2. There are too many forums on the topic it gets confusing and frustrating.", you have the choice not to go into those forums. If you feel the need to find information in them, go to the R(s) and BSA ratings, then you can get what you need and get out.

By having the seperation as it is you are able to go where you feel 'comfortable' and if you do not, then do not go.

I am not one of the gang. I am not one of the followers. Yet, I am one who does take Iodine internally and not consistently. I listen to me, not others EXCEPT to hear about experiences and their knowledge, when it pertains to something I am going through. Iodine MAY not be best for ALL, at least not until their body is functioning more properly. Then again, I am sure that can be said about SOME other minerals (which I will not debate because I do not know that for a certainty).

"I stand up for things I believe in and I will continue to do that when I see fit."
I stand up for what I believe in and I do not hide behind a name that is a 'character'. I have had plenty of 'go around' with some on CureZone and I still had a name (a real name). Speak only for yourself, not for others.

Beth (yes that is real, not a pseudo)



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