I Broke a G String Recently While Fingering a Minor
For whom shall ask to them it shall be given
and to those to whom it is given
they shall be washed with waters
that lead to life and the dirty shall be made clean
If the minds of the world are INdeed
what is mine
that which is mine is that
which is God's mind in mine
seeing in her eye while dreaming
inner eye see me
waking whilst dreaming mind
so with that
in mine
I find myself lost
myself singing her life
with words of mind
playing with these fingers of mine
gently strumming her strings in mind
untying the ties that previously bind
you and that which shall clothe you
shall Now be fashioned anew
song is sung mantra for peace so I give
a piece of me for you to imbibe
drunken from chanting sutras of the divine virtuous eye
am born anew a babe to me I see
whilst playing in this minor
chords of LOVE bound blessings
In her while ritually bathing her divine body
In Goddess form
from whence have I arrived
I Now come
over and over
I feel both rich and likewise poor
thick and rich creamy milk
from my large pitcher cascading
down across parted lips
stick to the contours rolling across
her heart gentle waves fro and to
stay atop the wave before it breaks
is knocking on heavens door
what is seen from atop as I mount
her sea
rippling waters
rolling before eye
am nestling and relaxing
poised On and then within
the hips
staying within and of
her Goddess form
(Inspired by meditation on the sutras, the singing and ritual bathing and dressing of the divine goddess aspects during this celebration of the Divine feminine (Navaratri)