Re: Dog Diagnosed Meningoencephalitis ~ need alternatives to Immune Suppressors Please
I have heard of noise sensitivity being related to the rabies vaccines.
Here's something noninvasive you can try:
Look up animal accupressure charts for suppressing the triple warmner meridian and strengthening the spleen meridian. Hold those points as often as you can. You can also sedate the tw meridian by running your hand from end to beginning.Do the opposite for sp, run in forward direction. Both are related to the immune system. Also, connect the central and governing meridians and hold for a few minutes. Finish by tracing all meridians forward and doing central and governing last. Also work on chakras by using the left hand in counterclockwise circles to remvove stagnant energy and using the right hand clockwise to put in fresh energy.
Remove all toxins (cleaning products, air fresheners, etc) paying special attention to things near the ground such as new carpeting, carpet and floor cleaners and anyting outside like pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, etc. Look into natural alternatives.
I can't tell you what do do about the medications, but if it were me, I would go as natural as possible.
Good luck