My son's brain fog?'s what happened with my 24 yr. old son, who just graduated college in May, came home in July to CA. and paid rent for 2 months while he lived there with me, moved with me to my older son's empty house in Portland, Oregon and in those couple months he started taking the Iodine.
He defenitaly got benefit from it, because I came home today, and here's a note I found from him..totally out of the blue for me. Maybe not for him.
"Good-bye. Take Care. I'll call you once I'm settled. I'll miss this Christmas-maybe next year. Sorry, this is abrupt. You'll be fine if you don't worry. Love"..then he signs it. he didn't want to work at Target store where he had an interview for Wed. I told him I wanted him to get a life, work on his dream life, his dream I don't know why he had to be so dramatic in leaving..he wants to be a maybe it's his way. He took the little
Iodine left in the bottle, and left me a little bit in a bowl! I hope he continues to get it when that little bit runs out!
I had to order so I don't run out myself! So..another chapter in my
Iodine saga..and so it goes..