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Re: how-to make beeswax ear candles? (asking, not offering)

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

chirontherainbowbridge Views: 15,627
Published: 18 y
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Re: how-to make beeswax ear candles? (asking, not offering)

thank you PT! you know, I just found that link and was going to post the info.

Here is is long form for anyone else who wants to know.

How to make and use ear candles

Contents summary:
· Cut Materials
· Melt Wax
· Mould candle
· Smooth candle
· Remove candle from mould
plus a demonstration of how to use Ear Candles.
Materials Required:
· Muslin – 100% Cotton, unbleached & untreated
· Mould – a wooden dowel of required diameter e.g. ¾, with one end sharpened to a point (like a pencil), sanded to a smooth finish, and then lacquered or oiled.
· Wax – Beeswax and/or Paraffin wax
· Saucepan – small saucepan or slow-cooker
· Rubber gloves to protect hands (optional)
· Foil to protect working area (optional)

How to make Ear Candles:
· Cut/tear material into ¾" strips, roughly 2-2.5 times length of mould.
· Cover working area with foil.
· Melt wax in saucepan on a hob at a low setting. Keep wax on "simmer". Don’t let wax get too hot!

· Preheat mould e.g. by resting on top of saucepan.

· Slowly drop a strip of muslin into the wax, a little at a time until completely submerged. Use mould to stir and handle material as required.
· Lift one end of material up with mould allowing wax to cool before handling.
· When wax is cool enough to handle, wrap a little cloth around the mould tip, pinch into place to form candle tip. Rest for a few seconds to allow tip to cool before beginning to wrap strip.

· Continue wrapping strip around the mould, applying a little pressure and shaking off any excess wax.

· As the material begins to run out wrap the cloth strip more heavily around the mould to form a thicker band at the top of the candle.

· Smooth candle in same direction as the wrap, starting at the tip and turning the mould with the other hand.

· Dip candle tip quickly back into hot wax to give a smooth finish.

· As candle cools, gently hold candle and twist mould to break bond between candle and mould.

· Pull the candle off the mould applying minimum pressure to avoid misshaping candle.
· Open up the tip of the candle with the point of a pencil.

· Lay the candle onto foil covered work surface to cool whilst preparing more candles.

· Test each completed candle is airtight by holding finger over its tip and blowing down from the top like a straw.

Instructions for using Ear Candles

Please read the full instructions before attempting to use these ear candles. Never try to candle your own ears, as you are using an open flame, and that would be inviting an accident. Always have someone do it for you.
You will need:
· 2 ear candles
· 2 paper plates
· marker pen (optional)
· aluminium foil
· sharp scissors
· bowl of water
· lighter or matches
· towel

· wet paper towel
Take one paper plate and covered it with a good grade of aluminium foil. Punch or cut a hole into the middle large enough to accommodate the size of ear candle you will be using. This will allow the tapered end of the candle to be inserted. It should fit snugly, if it doesn't then wrap a damp tissue around the candle to ensure a snug fit.
Take the second paper plate and cut a large "V" into it.

Mark a good clear line around each candle approx 2"-3" (5-6cm) from the bottom. This will be used to indicate when to extinguish the candle.
Choose a comfortable, quiet and well ventilated location (and not underneath a smoke alarm). Have the person lie on their side on a flat surface, a rolled towel or pillow under the head, the hair covered with a towel.

Insert the tapered end of the candle into the hole in the foil covered plate allowing approx 2" (5cm) to protrude below the plate. Place the tapered end into the ear. Ask the person to seat the candle properly into the ear if required. If the candle is not seated properly smoke will come from between the plate and the ear.
Light the top end of the candle.

Observe the burn and trim the black wick when it is about 1" (2.5cm) long. To cut the wick, you slip the second protector plate with the V-shape around the candle and cut above the base of the flame. The burned end will fall away from you onto the plate. Drop the black wick into the bowl of water, as it will be very hot and maybe even smouldering.

Extinguish the flame when it has burned down to the line you marked earlier. Put the wet paper towel over the burning end of the candle. Remove the plate and candle from the ear, and let the burned candle cool down before you open it to examine the contents.
If the ears are sensitive post-candling, use cotton wool in the ears for the first two hours, especially when going out in the wind and cold.
Do not put head in water for 24 hours.

Books on Ear Candling
· Hopi Candles (by Jili Hamilton)
· Ear Candling and Other Treatments for Ear, Nose and Throat Problems
(by Andrew Sceats)



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