Has anyone been on Antibiotics ? I had a massive amount iv'ed in the emergency room due to blood poisoning and I realize I've had a terrible case of candida ever since. You all know I've been using horopito and oliveleaf to fight it, and thought I'd won the battle.
However, last week I had an "biofeedback" computer experience...it's software that diagnoses illness and also "cures" by pulses (see http://www.quantumsource4life.com/faq.html
for this amazing machine - this is what lance armstrong used to treat his cancer). It showed that I STILL have a ton of candida. The computer did some pulsing to get rid of it and my skin has been clearer since then.
This computer software with electrodes seems unbelievable; has anyone else had experience with it? I will keep you all posted, but it confirms the theory about candida and Acne (for me) and how hard it is to rid the body of fungi once it's ensconced.