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Re: Question for Tony I need help
Tony Isaacs Views: 1,841
Published: 18 y
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Re: Question for Tony I need help

First of all, let me say that I highly recommend that you find a good and very knowledgeable naturopath who can help monitor you and shepherd you through your problems.  It sounds like the mainstream folks have had their shots with typical results: all we can do is manage your illness and load you up with drugs.  Ugh!

My first observation is to wonder about the condition of your liver.  What did the tests have to say about that? Skin color changes are often associated with problems of the liver.  Regardless, if it were me I would take measures to protect and help my liver - if for no other reason than that the oleander and silver are going to be ridding your body of toxins and increasing the load on your liver.  The good news is that both of them are also good for the liver.  But I would also do a good liver cleanse and add the three Berkson anti-oxidants, milk thistle, alpha-lipoic acid and selenium.

The next thing I would do would be to add plant derived minerals and oxygen - and the reason I would do so is that the combination of Utopia Silver advanced colloidal silver plus plant minerals and oxygen was used by a friend of ours (the lead guitarist for the Pauline Reese and High Country band) for his Crohn's disease and he went from bedfast to back on stage and feeling the best he had in years in only a few weeks.  Now, given the Herxheimer effect of feeling worse before you feel better, a person might first sag a bit before beginning to see improvement.  And you might well feel tired and sleepy if you take a lot of colloidal silver, which I would do.  Sleep is often a sign of the body fighting off illness and healing.

The blue skin condition known as argyria is being used by the mainstream medicine to scare people away from colloidal silver.  They have a big problem with colloidal silver.  The best of their antibiotics kill maybe a handful of pathogens, silver has been shown to kill over 650.  Until lab created and patented antibiotics came along, the FDA approved 34 prescribed and over the counter products containing a crude form of ionic silver (and it is large quantities of crude ionic silver that can cause the very rare blue skin condition).  Then antibiotics arrived at about the same time as better methods of making silver came about that produced much smaller particles and required much less silver, and could be done at home, and suddenly the FDA withdrew their approval.  Now that true colloidal silver is on the scene, it has been targeted as a safe, effective and inexpensive competitor to the side effect laden drugs of mainstream managed illness.

Since colloidal silver is not selective and also kills beneficial stomach bacteria, I would be sure to supplement with a good pro-biotic.  It could be that the combination of silver and a good pro-biotic man do wonders in and of themselves.

On final note: If it were me, I would NEVER cut back on liquids, especially good pure water, no matter how much I had to urinate.  Cutting back on liquids prevents the elimination of toxins and can lead to a toxic and dehydrated state.  It may be that your frequent urination is your body attempting to rid itself of toxins that mainstream medicine could not detect.

I hope you find my answer helpful.

(If you choose to order any products from Utopia Silver, be sure to follow one of my links and then put in the discount code LR001 to insure that you get a 15% discount on any items not currently on sale.)

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

Tony M. Isaacs
Natural Health Advocate, Researcher and Author
Cancer's Natural Enemy e-book
Collected Home and Herbal Remedies e-book
The Best Years in Life Website for Natural Health and Longevity
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Utopia Silver Colloidal Silver, Plant Minerals and Natural Supplements
Jon Barron Baseline of Health Nutritional Formulas
Native Remedies
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- Henri-Frederic Amiel 1828-1881

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- Dr. Alexis Carrol (Famous Biological Scientist and head of the Rockefellar Institute)

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