Re: started taking lugol's - detox or intolerance to alcohol?
Please go to the other
Iodine forum and read all the FAQs on detox. Are you taking the salt protocol? That should be taken every day, whether it is a day you take the
Iodine or not. You can repeat it as many times as necessary to increase your elimination. I have had to increase my magnesium, have had to triple what I was taking before iodine.
Iodine tends to constipate me, and with iodine it is important to have more than one bowel movement per day; three is ideal. I am taking really large doses, and I basically have very little side effects, as I make sure whatever the iodine stirs up in my body (detox), I eliminate it rapidly. The salt loading and increased magnesium helps with that. Vitamin C would also help. You can take the magnesium and/or Vitamin C to bowel tolerance.
Please read and re-read all those FAQs. You want to have all the information you can. To have detox and not to eliminate it is just to stir up the toxins and let them redeposit somewhere else in your body - you don't want that!