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Here is my Newsletter on this topic:

This is my Breast Cancer awareness email newsletter from my life coach, regarding thermography, it is the safest and effective method of detecting breast cancer:

If you would like to have a Thermal Imagining session on Nov. 2, you need to make your appointment this week. For those of you who had images done with Pam, this is your 3-month follow up so you can have a stable base for any future images you might want.

Theresa Spires of Functional Imaging, needs to know who is going to have an appointment, and I am going out of town, so please email me ASAP with your time preference. Or even better, call me at 448-2403. I'm out of town most of Thursday, but home Friday and want to send her appointments to her.

Thermography is breast screening that is not invasive or damaging to tissue and pain free, with no radiation. It also provides much earlier detection than mammograms. Cancer cells are picked up at 2 years. Mammograms don't pick them up until they are 8 years old! Thermal Imaging reports on physiology rather than structure. It shows the 'hot spots' that you want to check out. You then have the opportunity to use whatever natural therapy you choose to work on these issues and prevent them from becoming a disease. Like Biofeedback, Thermography provides information about what's happening in your body if you have symptoms that you don't know what they represent. For more info, go to
or call Theresa Spires 740-689-2466.

Please make your appointment with me, as I am keeping her schedule.

After the imagining session, she sends the pictures to the same group of doctors Pam sent the pictures to. The doctors evaluate them and write up a report, which is sent to you and any health provider you want. The doctors are available to talk with you or your doctor.

May the river of life flow through you,

"Guiding You to Heal Your Life and Achieve Your Dreams"

Certified Trainer of Louise Hay Philosophy
Personal Coach and Certified Biofeedback Specialist
Holistic Energy Medicine



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