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When kidneys get clogged: Stop iodine, salt load only
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Published: 17 y

When kidneys get clogged: Stop iodine, salt load only

LN...There are doctors who recommend stopping Iodine temporarily and salt loading ONLY to give the kidneys a rest.

If you think about what we are doing, dumping all this bromide and other junk into our detox organs, it's like sending a boatload of poison into the bloodstream and then the kidneys get clogged as they try to remove stuff.

You need your kidneys for other things besides clearing the "bromide blow-back."
If some opportunistic infection comes along, you don't want your kidneys too busy clearing bromide detox to handle the new bugs.

I've been doing Iodine a long time and I still have to stop once in a while when I get clogged. The first days I stop are almost euphoric.


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