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Life Cycle of Microbes – Part 8, 9, & End
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Life Cycle of Microbes – Part 8, 9, & End

A Visual Look At How We Rot

The use of a microscope in a health care practice is a most powerful tool to visually see the microbial activity in blood and to learn firsthand about the ROT theory of aging and disease. To say it impacts patients is an understatement. When patients visually see the microbial activity taking place in their own blood, it gives them reason to pause and rethink their health attitudes - unless of course they don't care about their health. But if they do care, it makes a lasting and positive impact on patients like few other things do. Looking at live blood under the microscope, with an understanding of what is going on, is an education in health beyond what words can impart. Be that as it is, let's look at some still pictures of blood with some explanations.

The blood that we use for observation under the microscope is simple capillary blood, expelled from the pinky through a simple finger stick. In order not to damage the blood, the finger is not squeezed; the blood is allowed to come out on its own and it is quickly placed on a slide with a cover slip.

Blood should be observed immediately after getting the specimen. We do this because it immediately tells us something - and that is; where is the patient "right now".

You see, as blood sits on a slide, it degenerates. HOW FAST it degenerates when out of the body tells us HOW FAST the patient themselves are AGING and DEGENERATING.

The faster live blood degenerates on a microscope slide,
the faster the patient is aging and degenerating internally.
How You Rot & Rust

The preceding pages covered some key concepts relative to the rotting mechanism of the body. (It was an edited look at the first 30 pages or so of our 140 page book "How You Rot & Rust".) The rotting mechanism of the body is the biological equation. The flip side to this is the rusting mechanism, which is a chemical and electrical equation.

As we age and get diseases, we are experiencing the effects of Rot & Rust. It is an interplay of the biological, chemical, and electrical physiology of the human body.

With a firm understanding of this knowledge, the microscope becomes a tool to delve into this interplay at its most basic level - in the blood.

This whole section has been a peek into our microscope pre-training program that lays the foundation for the advanced work. We've discussed pH and introduced biological terrain, and in our workshops we take it much further, incorporating things like redox (reduction/oxidation) and the principles of rust.

We also get into detail on a few other items, all in an effort to solidly understand biological terrain and its influence on the live blood and dry layer analysis.

To give you a little more flavor for this workshop, some additional transparency out-takes follow along with brief commentary on a few of them.
How You Rot & Rust (continued)

Health care practitioners that use a microscope in their practice for patient education have a unique ability to observe the extent of free radical activity taking place in the body. This is through a procedure called the Dry Layer Oxidative Stress Test. It is very simple. A drop of blood from the finger tip is placed on a specimen slide in a series of layers. After the layers dry, they are observed under the microscope.

Blood is an interesting indicator of health and where free radicals are concerned, their activity impacts blood morphology. Putting it very simply, when free radicals attack cells, damage is done. The stuff that lies between cells and holds them together is the interstitium, or extra cellular matrix. Through free radical attack, cells get damaged, enzyme activity is altered, and the extra cellular matrix around the cells becomes compromised. Water soluble fragments of this matrix get into the blood stream and then alters the blood clotting cascade. With that done, we find that blood does not coagulate perfectly. This is one mechanism for altering a "normal" blood pattern.

Reading the dry layers of blood is like reading an ink blot. It can be very revealing as to the overall state of one's health. Blood from a healthy person will be uniform in coagulation, and tightly connected. From an individual with health problems and excess free radical activity, the dry layer blood profile will be disconnected, showing puddles of white (known as polymerized protein puddles). The more ill the patient with free radical/oxidative stress, the more disconnected is the dried layer of blood.

The image on above on top is the blood of a healthy individual. Notice how it is inter-connected with black connecting lines. The black interconnecting lines is a fibrin network. This is fibrinogen, one of the protein constituents of the blood. In-between the fibrinogen are the red blood cells. The image on the bottom a cancer patient. Notice how the blood fails to coagulate completely and has many white areas. These are the polymerized protein puddles and they reflect oxidative stress. They represent the degradation of the body's extra cellular matrix from free radical activity. Since free radical activity has been implicated in nearly all disease processes, this test can be used as a quick reference to gauge the severity and extent of one's health problems.

Can looking at blood under the microscope tell you something about genetic predisposition? With reference to other things, in a way it can. The following two pictures highlight blood in which the red blood cells are sticking together (agglutinating). This is not a good situation for most people. Red blood cells bring oxygen to every other cell in the body, and when they are stuck together like this, they are not doing their job as well as they should.

Generally, live blood microscopists have related this blood picture to having excess protein in the diet, or to the patient having a lack of adequate protein digestion. On one level this could be true, but it goes much further. More specifically, it begs the question, what "type" of protein has been in the patients diet most recently that has possibly caused this condition? Even more to the point, what type of protein or food group in relation to the patients specific blood type - as in O, A, B or AB.

Certain foods, and food groups act like poisons to certain blood types. What can be a medicine for one person, can be a poison for another. How is this possible? Because of genetics.

You were born with a basic blood type. O, A, B, or AB. You got it from your parents genes. Genes have a way of representing a bit of genetic history.

Type O blood is the oldest blood and shows a connection to the hunter-gatherer cultures. This blood type is strongly aligned with high protein consumption in the form of animal meat and individuals with type O blood generally produces higher stomach acids. This is typically the group that experiences more incidence of gastric ulcer disease than the other groups. Type O's handle animal protein well but grains like whole wheat, and dairy products are not so good. Type O groups comprise about 46% of the American population.

Blood group A was the next to evolve and merged with the development of agricultural practices. Blood group A is primarily associated with vegetarian food sources and individuals in that group secrete smaller amounts of stomach acid. Protein requirements are not any less than a group O person but the source is different. Type A's do poorly with the typical meat and potato fare and are predisposed to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Soy proteins, grains, and vegetables are very important for type A's as well as food that is fresh, pure and organic. Group A comprises 42% of the American population. Then there is type B and AB.

The key to all of this is lectin chemistry. Different blood types are incompatible with the lectins (proteins) of certain food groups. In learning live blood microscopy, the clinician needs to intimately understand the importance of serotyping (blood typing) and the patient's dietary history in relationship to the microscopic findings.

The lymphatic system is the body's second circulatory system and plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis and a centered biological terrain. Also, it exerts incredible influence on free radical pathology. There is an inseparable relationship between the blood stream and the lymphatics. The live blood/dry layer microscopist needs to fully understand these relationships as the dry layer analysis can highlight aberrant lymphatic function while giving indications to the anatomical area that may be dysfunctional.



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