Mary Ann's Story so Far
(as posted on other forums)
We get a lot of news about what is bad and wrong in the world here, and I post my share - but for good reasons. There are a lot "good news" stories out there too, including over 450 I know of just in South Africa. Here is one I would like to share that is a bit closer to home - one that was posted in my OleanderSoup Yahoo health group today about a lady we have been following and praying for. The fellow who made the post is a professional nurse and naturopath who came to our group to find out how to make oleander soup to help his friends and patients.
(Note that this lady does a great many things besides just oleander soup, just as I would do a great many things if I had cancer and just as I do many things in order to never get it.)
Re: Update on Mary Ann
Hello to everyone again,
I spoke with Mary Ann today. The details on her situation are listed
below for anyone new. In Brief: Stage 4 Mets breast cancer.
Terminal. Maybe 6 months to live from early July 07.
She is doing great!! She had cancer counts done in early September.
July markers were 703 and Sept markers were 108! She is continuing
most all of the treatments listed below. She went to her cancer
doctor last week and she says that he was a bit puzzled as to why she
is doing so well. The one round of chemo she had in early August
should not have had such profound effects. He said that she should do
more chemo. She told him that she did not want to do this and that
she was relying on God to heal her and that she was doing some natural
things. He seemed to be understanding, but did want her to do the
chemo. She politely told him no. She is going to have tumor marker s
checked again in November. I will continue to post as time goes by.
Thank God for his continued healing. The bible says "by His (Jesus)
wounds we are healed." I believe this. I also believe that Gods ways
are better than mans ways. I hope everyone is encouraged by this
wonderful report.
Here is his initial post about Mary Ann which details the many things she has been doing:
--- In, "jeffery.jack" <jeffery.jack@...>
> Hello to all,
> It has been a while since I made a post. I don't really like to
> post unless it is pertaining to OS. So I will fill you all in on
> the most recent. I had a lady come and visit me the other day. She
> is on her 3rd bout of breast CA. First two were primarily modern
> cancer treatment (chemo and surgery). She now has mets. to multiple
> places in her body, but they have not had a PET Scan yet to identify
> all of the locations. She does not want to do chemo or radiation
> and she already had bilat. mastectomy. She started taking OS last
> week and is tapering up the dose. She is also starting to eat very
> healthy, take Flax Oil/Cottage Cheese mixture 1/2 cup 2 x per day,
> ESSIAC tea, Kombucha Tea, Jucing greens from the yard and garden
> (dandilion, lamb's quarters, yellow dock, various grasses and small
> amounts of bind weed), Trace minerals, Lugol's solution, Mega doses
> of Vit. C, Homemade Super Green Drink made up of (Alfalfa Leaf
> powder, Barley Grass powder, Pao D'Arco, Cat's Claw, Beet Powder,
> and Azomite), Enteric Coated Pancreatic Enzymes, Digestive enzymes,
> and apricot seeds
and his other post from the first of September
POST from SEPT. 1, 2007
> --- In, "jeffery.jack"
> <jeffery.jack@> wrote:
> >
> > Hello OS Group,
> >
> > Here is an update on Mary Ann. I am really amazed to see how well
> > she is doing. Here is a brief review. About 1 3/4 months ago,
> > Mary Ann was hospitalized with her 3rd reoccurance of Breast
> > Cancer. First occurance (4 years ago) was treated with lumpectomy,
> > chemo, and Radiation. Second occurance (2 years ago), she had a
> > modified bilateral mastectomy with removal of only a couple of
> nodes
> > which tested negative for Mets (Started some alterantive therapy at
> > this time, but was not faithful to continue). Now this time, it
> had
> > Metastasized to multiple places in her body. Her tumor markers
> were
> > extremly high. She was hospitalized for bleeding in her lungs and
> > difficulty swallowing because of tumor swelling in her neck. She
> > had very hard "tumors" present in her neck and on her chest wall.
> > The doctors were sure if it had spread to other areas, but to what
> > extent they were not certain. They told her that chemo might
> > prolong her life a few months, but the cancer was to extensive to
> > give her more than a year. She had decided to do chemo and about 1
> > month ago she had her first dose. She got two different chemo
> > agents at that time. Within 1 week, she had mucocitis, was
> > extremely ill and her neck had more swelling and she had to be
> > readmitted to the hospital due to the chem side effects. After she
> > got out she decided that she was not going to do chemo any more.
> > About 1 week before she was admitted to the hospital for the chemo
> > side effects, I had visited with her and she started all of the
> > following things:
> > OS tapering up to 2 tbsp per day which she is now up to; Eating
> > healthy, Flax Oil/Cottage Cheese mixture 1/2 cup 2-3 x per day,
> > ESSIAC tea, Kombucha Tea, Jucing greens from the yard and garden
> > (beets, carrots, dandilion, lamb's quarters, yellow dock, various
> > grasses and small amounts of bind weed) she says she has not been
> > failtful with the juicing except for the beets I gave her from my
> > garden (about 3 beets raw per day), Trace minerals, Lugol's
> > solution, Mega doses of Vit. C, Homemade Super Green Drink made up
> > of (Alfalfa Leaf powder, Barley Grass powder, Pao D'Arco, Cat's
> > Claw, Beet Powder, and Azomite) about 2 tbsp in mixed in liquid
> > daily, Enteric Coated Pancreatic Enzymes and Digestive enzymes, 15-
> > 20 minutes direct sunlight and exercise, 15 minutes of light
> > bouncing for lymph stimulation. Also, About 2 1/2 weeks ago she
> > started taking an alternative treatment called 714X which is a
> daily
> > subcutaneous injection into the lymphnodes.
> > Well, here is the News....Her tumors are shrinking big time. For
> > about 2 weeks now Mary Ann has noticed a very significant reduction
> > in the size of the tumors that were present in her neck and on her
> > chest wall. Her neck is now normal size and she is talking normal
> > agian. She has not had any reoccurance of bleeding in her lungs.
> > Two weeks ago she could not feel her sternum bone on her chest
> > becasue of the tumor and now she says that the tumor seems to be
> > totally gone and she can feel her sternum bone as before the
> > reoccurance. She says that she feels great and she is excited
> about
> > continuing with the above cancer fighting plan. She says that she
> > is not going to back down or give up.
> > Some might say it was the dose of chemo 1 month ago that might have
> > contributed to the tumor shrinkage. It's possible, but Mary Ann
> does
> > not think so. She says all the chemo did was put her back in the
> > hospital and make her sick. I know that in my professional nursing
> > experience, I have not seen people respond to one round of chemo
> > like this and also bounce back so quickly. It also seems like
> quite
> > a delayed reaction to chemo. being that it was one month ago that
> > she had the dose and it was not until 2 weeks later when she began
> > to see any changes in the tumors. Only time will tell. She
> already
> > told the physician that she is not doing any more chemo. I have
> > planted a buch of vegetables (beets, kale, cabbage, Lettus,
> Carrots,
> > Parsley, and Cilantro) in the garden in hopes that by about October
> > they will be ready to harvest and give to her. Your continued
> > prayers for her are appreciated. I figure I will try and post
> about
> > once a month on how she is doing.
> >
> > Blessings to you all,
> >
> > Jeff
I hope that you find Mary Ann's story to be an inspiration as I and my group have. The point is not about oleander, it is about nature and non mainstream alternatives helping save a life. Nature has many good ways to help - and this lady is using many of them.
Tony M. Isaacs
Natural Health Advocate, Researcher and Author
Cancer's Natural Enemy e-book
Collected Home and Herbal Remedies e-book
The Best Years in Life Website for Natural Health and Longevity
Ask Tony Isaacs CureZone Forum
Oleandersoup Soup Yahoo Health Group
Utopia Silver Colloidal Silver, Plant Minerals and Natural Supplements
Jon Barron Baseline of Health Nutritional Formulas
Native Remedies
Mountain Rose Herbs - Organic Harvested Fresh
"In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties."
- Henri-Frederic Amiel 1828-1881
"Nature alone can cure disease. Doctors cannot heal. They can only direct the sufferer back to the pathways of health. Nature alone can create, and healing is re-creation."
- Dr. Willaim S. Sadler
"Unless the doctor of today becomes the dietitian of tomorrow, the dietitian of today will become the doctor of tomorrow."
- Dr. Alexis Carrol (Famous Biological Scientist and head of the Rockefellar Institute)
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